AI Property Evaluation

since 2019;

with machineLearning(propID,data);


What We Do

We use AI to evaluate and score properties and actors using machine learning.

Decision Making

Instantly decide to buy, sell, hold or repurpose real estate assets using real time data and full explanation. Match actors (buyers or renters) to property.


Over 30 AVM models. Beyond simple MLV and out dated models, our valuations are output from 40 parameters. Also pre acquisition modelling.


AI insights from regeo data.


Evaluate property with simple scores and rankings based on anonymized actor profiles. Machine learned process filters universe potentials to real choices.


Real time portfolio valuations on baskets of real estate using average and median income and capital data.


Corporates only. Inquire about how we can help you (prices start at £2000 + VAT p.m.)

Learn more

About Us


Regeo is a UK start up launched late 2019 and uses AI to match real estate actors to UK residential property assets. Our fee paying clients include investment funds and real estate platforms. Our machines are fed data from over 150 sources and coded with help from real estate professionals (surveyors and academics) with over 20 years real estate portfolio experience.

We are a diverse team with a common goal to bring real estate into the 21st century.

  • Simple
  • Geolocation
  • UK coverage
  • Rentals
  • Investments
  • Vacant possessions

Making Life Easier.

Many real estate processes are antiquated, paper based and heavily fee driven. AI Technology is making it easier to due diligence property and we are at the forefront of analysing residential property like commercial real estate with as little human intervention as possible. We have full analytics on every residential property in the UK.

  • API
  • Real time data
  • AI
  • B2R, R2R, Developments
  • Factor weighting
  • Cloud